how members may speak   56, 59
limited to subject under debate, personalities
to be avoided   56
member may speak on proposal and on each amendment   53
motives, not to question   56
on appeal from decision of presiding officer, limited
to 5 minutes   56m (1)
prohibited when member is called to order   58
recognition prerequisite   56
Special committee, appointment, chairperson   21
Special orders of business:
consideration of, not to be interrupted by arrival
of time for another   17 (2), (3)
how established   17 (2)
priorities of   17 (2), (3)
veto override   70 (3)
Special privilege:
not to be granted when any other matter is pending   61
remarks made under 15th order of business   17 (1)(o)
subjects of discussion allowed   61
Special session:
certain resolutions not limited by governor's call   93 (1d)
committees permitted to introduce or offer, or authorize
the introduction or offering of, proposals   93 (1p)
definition   99 (84)
executive nominations for appointment may
be considered   22 (1)
generally   93
proposals within call   93 (1)
Stage (definition)   99 (85)
Standing committees:
chairpersons and members appointed by
majority leader   20 (2)(a)
definition   99 (86)
proportional representation on   20 (2)(c)
State officers, admitted to senate staff lobby while the
senate is sitting in session   11 (2)
Stating motions   62
Subcommittee: appointment, duties   24
Subpoena, signed by president and attested by chief clerk   44
Subsidiary motions (definition)   99 (87)
Substitute amendment:
adoption of, written copies required   34 (2)
constitutional amendments on 2nd consideration,
Joint Rule 57 (2)
definition   99 (88)
may be considered only on 2nd reading   47 (1)
message   95m
must be germane   50 (1), (2), (6)
order of consideration   47 (4)
used as the proposal (without engrossing) if
adopted without amendment   40
Substitute presiding officer, not excused from voting   3m
Suspending rules, two-thirds vote of members present
required unless unanimous consent given   91
definition   99 (90)
not subject to motion for reconsideration   67 (7)
question acted on without debate, may not be tabled   68
motion to place on, precedence of   63 (1)(f)
motion to place on, returns matter to committee
on senate organization   65 (2)
motions to place on, or remove from, not debatable,
may not be tabled   68
Temporary presiding officer   2
Third degree of amendment, prohibited   51
Third reading   18 (5), 38
Third reading, failure is adverse and final disposition   46 (5)
Three readings of bills and certain joint resolutions,
on 3 separate days   35
Time limit for debate, how scheduled   76
Tobacco products, not to be consumed in senate chamber   8 (4)
Transmittal of proposal to assembly   42
Two-thirds vote required:
exception to two-thirds requirement   93 (6)
not required for reconsideration   67 (2)
to suspend rules   91
to withdraw from committee after first
motion fails   41 (1)(b)
Unanimous consent, see also Suspending rules:
definition   99 (92)
to immediately message senate action   42 (1)
to suspend rules, as alternative to two-thirds vote   91
Unfinished calendar, taken up after 9th order of
current day   18 (4)
Unintroduced proposal, notice of hearing   25 (1)(c)
Vacancy in office of president   3
action on, how scheduled   18 (1)
action on, not subject to reconsideration   67 (7)
amendment of bill not in order upon consideration of   47 (5)
definition   99 (93)
divided   70 (2), (3)
failure to pass notwithstanding objections if governor
is adverse and final disposition   46 (6)
question relating to, not to be referred to committee   41 (2)
referral   18 (1), (1b)
Visitors, how recorded in journal   17 (4m)
Voice vote:
definition   99 (94)
how question is stated   71